Company information
Environmental policy |
 Environmental policy |
Basic environmental philosophy |
Daiichi Electronics Co., Ltd. recognizes [The environmental problem of the earth] as the most important issue to all mankind, and improves continuously environmental aspects of our social activities, products and services that effect the environment remarkably.

[For the one and only earth] |
Having [For the one and only earth] as the basic philosophy, we are playing a role in reducing environmental burdens as a specialized maker of electric measuring instruments, and are carrying out environmental management activities based on the following environmental policies to be a company always trusted by society.

1. Observance of laws and environmental protection

In all activities, we will observe any environment-related laws, regulations,
industry standards and other requirements agreed on. We take into consideration
maintenance of the natural environment as much as possible practically
and try to protect the environment.
2. Maintain and continually improve an environmental management system

We will maintain the management system which compliant to ISO 14001 and improve it continuously.
3. Continuous improvement

In all environmental aspects of our activities, products and services,
we will work on the following items as important points of the environmental

(1) |
To promote creation of environment-conscious product and technology. |
(2) |
To promote green purchase of components, furniture and fixtures. |
(3) |
To promote reduction of harmful chemical substances and management of chemical substances. |
(4) |
To promote energy saving activities for reduction of CO2 emission, |
(5) |
To aim at zero-emission of waste and promote reduction of waste emission. |
(6) |
To promote improvement of the environmental management system. |
4. Plan and review

We will develop the environmental policies in each departments and business
establishment, and document purposes and aims of environmental improvement
based on applicable scope. We will also inspect the achievement situation
regularly, and try for review of the environmental management, maintenance
and improvement.
5. Communicate and disclosure

We will carry out educational and enlightenment activities for not only all staff but also people who work for us, and communicated the environmental policies to them. In addition, we will release environmental policies and activities in an appropriate form to the public.
Jul. 3, 2023 Daiichi Electronics Co., Ltd. President Toru Nakabayashi